Thursday, January 6, 2005

Caloric Overload the Anti-resolution

I'm back after my holiday sabbatical...

Since we're against everything and all about not doing things whenever we're forcibly encouraged to... Josh and I decided this year to make an anti-resolution. Last week we embarked on an epic journey to the depths of the Midwest and embraced the Monster Thickburger(1,420 calories, 107 grams of fat). The burger was good, we weren't disappointed by the taste, although we were let down by the size. We read weeks of hype and had developed high expectations over the time leading up to our monster experience. I was still hungry! After nearly 3/4 of my daily recommended caloric intake in one burger, I was ready to down another 700 calories at least! Maybe it's me and my gluttonous american metabolism, maybe my years of overindulgence were coming back to send me a solemn message of my poor eating habits, or maybe I should have got the fries....

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