Sunday, March 30, 2008

Earth Hour

Candles are made from petroleum too.....

Earth Hour urges homeowners and big corporations to turn off their lights for an hour, not to save energy, but to make people stop and think about global warming.

Well I don't believe in global warming, so my first reaction to this movement was of course negative, but I still think using energy irresponsibly is a bad thing. So I support the movement, but for different reasons.

But I thought it was funny that 'they' were encouraging people to use candle light instead of incandescent light. Last time I checked, candles are made from petroleum (the same thing gas is made from), paraffin is a byproduct of petroleum, and when it is burned it releases Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, and many of the same pollutants that your car produces. So it seems kind of counterproductive....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would recommend Michael Crichton's book "State of Fear." It addresses not only global warming, but other fallacies such as the "noble savage." What's interesting is that it is a work of fiction, yet is meticulously footnoted with scientific journals to back the politically incorrect yet accurate assertions of the protagonist.